วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

7 Tips For Your First Flea Market Or Car Boot Sale

In the current economic climate more and more people are turning to Flea Markets and Car Boot Sales both as a source of bargain and as a market for unwanted goods.

The increased popularity of such events has meant that more and more people are becoming first time sellers at these sales.

Your first event can either be a really enjoyable and profitable venture or it could be such a bad experience that it puts you off for life. Much of the success or failure will be down to the preparations that you make before the event. There are 7 tips which could help you if you are contemplating becoming a seller.

1. Be realistic with your pricing.

There are two simple mistakes anyone can make when it comes to pricing your goods for sale. You can ask too much or you can practically give away your goods. It all comes down to supply and demand. For instance you might be able to sell a modern cell phone with lots of features for 50% or more of its original price. But a book on Nuclear Thermo Dynamics may only sell for a few pence even if it was originally price at $50.

Balance your need top get rid of the goods with your desire to make as much profit as you can from the event.

2. Have a Float.

Make sure that you have plenty of small notes and change as a float. Most buyers will not have the correct money and if you cannot give change you could easily lose a sale.

3. Bags

You should also have a supply of bags that your customers can use to take their purchases away with them.

4. Strong Table

At many events you will be required to provide your own table and you should ensure that it is strong enough for the job. On several occasions I have seen flimsy tables sagging in the middle and the goods ending up on the ground. This can be very expensive if you have a lot of breakables on display.

5. Be prepared for the weather

Unless you live in one of those areas of perpetual sunshine you should be prepared for a rain shower. You need weather protection for yourself and your goods. An umbrella for you and a large polythene sheet to put over your table will be ideal.

6. Food and Drink
At some events there is catering available on site but at others you may have bring your own. As sales can last for several hours you could find yourself needing something to eat and drink.

7. Stay Sharp

Whilst most people are basically honest there are rogues in our society. Do not have expensive small items on display at the front of your table where they can easily be pocketed. Do not have a cash box and keep money out of sight
whenever possible and be vigilant.

Selling at Flea Markets and Car Boot sales can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. With some preparation and thought you can make it an even better experience.

Another option is to sell your unwanted goods on eBay. To learn about Selling on eBay and learn the latest eBay news Click Here.

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